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Hotel Quinta do Furão - Santana

Quinta do Furão: located on the north coast, is a 4 star hotel with wine fields and panoramic views  over the Atlantic Ocean and the northeast coast.

Visite: www.quintadofurao.com

Belmond Reid's Palace - Funchal

O Belmond Reid's Palace: a historic 5 star hotel located in the center of Funchal with 40,000 m2. It has a panoramic view over Funchal and the Atlantic Ocean and contains vast gardens throughout the hotel. It has 7 spaces for events, apart from the restaurants.

Visite: www.belmond.com

Hotel Pestana Casino Park - Funchal

It is a 5 star hotel belonging to the Pestana hotel chain, located in the center of Funchal, surrounded by private gardens with panoramic views over the bay of Funchal.

Visit: www.pestana.com/pt/hotel/pestana-casino-park

Quinta da Moscadinha - Camacha

Quinta da Moscadinha located in Camacha, whose name derives from a herbal liqueur from the north of the island, is a 3 star farm integrated into nature that offers a welcoming, peaceful and romantic atmosphere. The farm is located 15 minutes away from Funchal.

Visit: quintadamoscadinha.com

Hotel Porto Mare - Funchal

The Porto Mare hotel belongs to the Porto Bay hotel chain and is classified with 4 stars. You can enjoy beautiful tropical gardens and various spaces for events.

Visit: www.portobay.com/pt/hoteis/hoteis-madeira/porto-mare/